Τρίτη 11 Απριλίου 2017

starting from the shoes

starting from the shoes

Gyunel burgundy jacket

Ippolita rock jewelry
€2.580 - neimanmarcus.com

Ippolita gold jewellery
€2.445 - saksfifthavenue.com

Ippolita colorful necklace
€1.355 - saksfifthavenue.com

Ippolita hinged bracelet
€1.145 - neimanmarcus.com

Ippolita quartz jewelry
€355 - truefacet.com

Maison Michel hat
€465 - modalist.com

Lipstick Queen lipstick
€37 - net-a-porter.com

Marc Jacobs fragrance
€58 - fragrancenet.com

Smith Cult nail polish
€17 - amazon.com

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